What is Cloud Computing? Definition, types, layers, advantages and disadvantage

nowadays, the cloud is a hot topic for students, small companies, and big organizations. if you are working in the technology field or wanted to go into this field then you definitely know the buzz of this field. today in this post we are going to explain about cloud computing and why this is so important for everyone like students, small businesses, and big organizations.

Cloud computing

what is Cloud Computing in simple terms?

What is cloud computing – cloud computing lets you use powerful computers, storage, and software without having to buy and maintain all the hardware and infrastructure yourself. we all access these resources over the internet, just like you would access a website. this technology lets you more focus on using the technology to do what you need to do, without having to worry about all the technical details.

Think about a library. In a traditional library, you have to go to the building to access the books you need. You can’t take the books home with you, but you can read them there.

In the same way, with cloud computing, you can access resources and services over the internet, just like you would access books in a library. You don’t have to own the resources or the hardware, but you can use them as needed.

For example, let’s say you need to work on a big project with a lot of data. then you don’t have to buy all resources because cloud computing will give you all that resources like can use powerful servers to store your data and run complex software, even if your own computer doesn’t have enough power or storage. You can access this technology over the internet, from anywhere, just as if you were borrowing books from the library. that’s how you can focus on your project, without having to worry about setting up or maintaining the technology part.

Types of Cloud

1. Public cloud:

This type of cloud is owned and operated by a third-party service provider and is made available to the public over the internet. Customers can rent computing resources, such as storage and processing power, on a pay-as-you-go basis. for example, there is available big storage and 100 people use that one storage as 100 parts of that storage.

2. Private cloud:

A private cloud is a cloud infrastructure dedicated to a single organization. in a private cloud, all the resources would be modified as the client wants but this is not possible in the public cloud. this type of cloud is mostly used by big organizations. here you more security can expect. 

3. Hybrid cloud:

A hybrid cloud is a combination of both public and private clouds. This type of cloud allows organizations to take advantage of the scalability and cost savings of public clouds while still keeping sensitive data secure in a private cloud. that’s how you can use two types of cloud benefits from the hybrid cloud.

4. Community cloud:

This type of cloud is shared by a group of organizations with similar requirements and security needs. The resources in a community cloud are shared and managed by the participating organizations. Example: Our government organization within Maharastra may share computing infrastructure in the cloud to manage data.

5. Multi-cloud:

Multi-cloud refers to the use of multiple cloud computing services from different providers by a single organization. This allows organizations to take advantage of the best features of each provider’s offerings while avoiding vendor lock-in.

3 layers of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is structured into three distinct layers, each offering a different level of services to its users. These layers include:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):

IaaS is one of the three main layers of cloud computing. it provides the foundation of cloud computing, offering virtualized computing resources such as storage, networking, and servers that are accessible over the internet. With IaaS, users can rent these resources and use them to build and run their own applications.

2. Platform as a Service (PaaS):

This layer builds upon the foundation of IaaS and provides a platform for the development, deployment, and management of applications. With PaaS, users don’t need to worry about the underlying infrastructure, as it is managed by the service provider.

3. Software as a Service (SaaS):

This layer offers users access to software applications over the internet, eliminating the need for installation and management on individual computers. SaaS is a complete solution for users, who can simply log in and start using the software, with the provider handling all maintenance and upgrades.

Each of these layers in cloud computing serves a different purpose and provides a different level of services, enabling users to choose the one that best fits their needs and goals.

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Accessibility: Cloud computing allows users to access their data and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

Scalability: Cloud computing resources can be scaled up or down as per business needs, making it an efficient solution for companies experiencing growth or fluctuations in demand.

Cost savings: With cloud computing, businesses don’t need to invest in expensive hardware and software, as these are provided by the service provider, reducing upfront costs.

Disaster recovery: Cloud computing providers typically offer disaster recovery solutions, helping businesses ensure that their data and applications are secure and easily recoverable in the event of a failure. Improved collaboration: Cloud computing allows teams to work together in real time, regardless of their location, improving collaboration and productivity.

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Dependence on internet connection: The performance of cloud computing systems depends on the quality of the internet connection, which can be a disadvantage in areas with limited connectivity.

Security concerns: As data is stored on remote servers, there is a risk of unauthorized access, which can compromise the security of sensitive information.

Potential for downtime: Outages and downtime can occur in cloud computing systems, which can be disruptive for businesses that rely on them. Lack of control: Companies may have limited control over the configuration of cloud computing systems, as they are managed by the service provider.

Compliance issues: Certain industries have strict regulations that may not be fully supported by all cloud computing providers, which can be a challenge for companies operating in those industries.


as I am learning data engineering and cloud computing is one of the main parts of data engineering. so why not share with all of you? Please tell me if guys are understudies about cloud computing and what is the use of this in the real world. if you don’t understand something then do comments I will try to explain to you.

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